Category Archives: Blog

Warning Lights On Your Car? Don’t Ignore Them!

We all know that those lights on the dashboard of your car need to be taken seriously. Even so, it's easy to ignore them in the hustle and bustle of everyday life - but this can lead to expensive repairs down the road. That’s why we’re here today: to remind you that when warning lights show up on your dashboard, don't ignore them! In this blog post, we will discuss what these warning lights mean, explain why they must be attended to immediately, and provide advice on how you should proceed if a light has come on. Read on for more information about how paying attention early could save you from costly auto shop bills later! 

How To Repair A Car Bumper Professionally

Are you looking for some guidance on how to professionally repair a car bumper? Then you’ve come to the right place! In this blog post, we will be going through a step-by-step guide that covers all the essential elements of thorough and successful auto body repair. Whether you just want to refurbish an old bumper or are dealing with a damaged one, these tips and tricks will help ensure your job is done right without worrying about damages in the future. So let’s get started!

The Importance of Technology in Auto Collision Repair

Constant advances in technology have allowed us to live our lives faster, more intelligently, and more efficiently than ever before. This is no less true in the automotive industry, where advances have revolutionized the collision repair space by allowing technicians to diagnose and fix a vehicle's issues with greater accuracy and speed than ever before possible. 

The Best Way to Repair a Car Bumper

Car bumpers are an important structural component of your vehicle, designed to absorb the impact of a collision and offer protection to passengers. Unfortunately, they can easily become damaged in minor fender benders or scrapes with curbs or other objects. When this happens, it is important to repair the bumper properly in order to maintain its structural integrity and keep your car safe. Here are some steps you can take to get your car's bumper back into shape: 

Why Frame Alignment Matters: The Science Behind Good Design

We often take for granted the importance of properly aligning our vehicle's frame. After all, we can't see it, and as long as the car drives straight, what's the big deal? Right? Well, actually, frame alignment is a crucial part of ensuring your vehicle operates safely and efficiently. Here's a closer look at the science behind good design and why frame alignment matters for your vehicle.

Avoiding teen road accidenrt

5 Tips to Help Your Teen Avoid an Accident

Car accidents are often the most tragic and painful type of injury people experience. It is crucial for everyone, especially parents, to understand that injuries happen, and no matter how careful and attentive you are, it is impossible to prevent accidents from happening. When your teen starts learning to drive, it is important to instill good driving habits.

Here are five tips for keeping your teen safe on wheels:

1. Discourage phone use while driving

Being distracted behind the wheel can be dangerous, and cell phone use is the most common cause of accidents. Instead of allowing your teen to text or talk on their device, get an aftermarket car seat that will block incoming calls and texts and outgoing ones for extra protection.

2. Mandatory use of safety belts

It not only prevents injuries in the event of an accident, but it is also the law to be buckled up. As the driver, they should make sure their passengers are wearing their seatbelts as well. 

3. A lot of practice

It might seem common sense, but do not let your teen drive alone until they’ve passed their driving test and feels confident. Under Virginia law, it is required for learner permit holders to log 45 hours of practice with a licensed driver.

4. Encourage good habits

It may be tempting for teens to copy their parents driving habits but this isn't good for them. Teens should learn how to change lanes properly, use their turn signals, etc., and adopt good driving habits.

5. Create strict rules on overspeeding

Speeding is one of the leading causes of car accidents, especially among teens. Teenagers often think they can handle going faster than they should. Make sure your teen understands that speeding, especially in a parking lot or residential area, can be significantly dangerous for them and others around them.

6. Limit the number of passengers

While it may be exciting for your teen to have this newfound freedom, they need to be aware of the responsibility that comes with it. Having a car full of passengers with very little driving experience can be a nightmare. Multiple people talking at once, and loud music playing can easily lead to distracted driving. 

The best advice for helping your teen avoid an accident is to practice safe driving. If you are both acting as safe drivers, you will be able to trust one another on the road. You can use this trust to teach your teen how to drive correctly.

3 Easy Ways to Remove Small Scuffs and Scratches on Your Car

Nobody wants scratches on their car, no matter how old or new is. Numerous factors might result in a scratch on your car, such as poor parking or unintended scratches caused by stuff left on the hood or elsewhere. Even if this does occur, scratch repair may be as simple as learning how to do it yourself or as complex as hiring an expert. HBM Collision offers car body repair services, and all of our autobody professionals have undergone rigorous training and certification to ensure that their work is up to the highest industry standards.

All About The Car Paint Match Process

The car paint match process is the art of matching paint colors so that the final product matches perfectly. Maintaining the perfect car paint match is no easy feat. It's especially challenging when dealing with multiple colors, vehicle types, and manufacturers. Everything from body panels to wheels and even door handles can affect the outcome. With that in mind, we're here to break down everything you need to know about the car paint match process so that you can make the most informed decision possible.